D`Art Imob va ofera o casa cu teren 776 mp, situata in cartierul Iosia din Oradea.
Proprietatea este compusa din 2 corpuri, ambele pe plan parter cu o suprafata utila de 79 mp casa principala si respectiv 34 mp utili cea secundara. Imobilul dispune de teren intravilan in suprafata din acte de 640 mp si măsurata de 776 mp. In corpul secundar exista un garaj cu spațiu pentru depozitare separat.
Casa principala este constructie edificată in anul 1950 din caramida mixta, cu fundatie si se compune din 4 camere, hol, 2 debarale si loc de luat masa. Corpul secundar a fost edificat in anul 1970 din caramida arsa, cu fundatie, aici regasim garajul cu spațiu pentru depozitare, o bucatarie de vara si baia cu cada si geam.
Proprietatea beneficiază de dublu front stradal. Curtea din fata este prevazuta cu acces auto si are un front stradal de 16 ml.
Utilitati: apa, canalizare, incalzire cu sobe de teracota, electricitate, internet, gaz bransat.
Imobilul este amplasat in apropiere de statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun, Centura Oradea.
Pretul de vanzare pentru aceasta casa cu teren 776 mp, situata in cartierul Iosia din Oradea este de 120.000 euro.
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman
e-mail: [email protected]
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob
D`Art Imob offers you a house with a plot of 776 square meters, located in the Iosia neighborhood of Oradea.
The property is composed of 2 buildings, both on the ground floor with a usable area of 79 sqm the main house and respectively 34 sqm useful the secondary one. The building has urban land with an area deeded area of 640 sq m and measured area of 776 sqm. In the secondary building there is a garage with space for separate storage.
The main house is a construction built in 1950 from mixed brick, with a foundation and consists of 4 rooms, a hall, 2 storage rooms and a dining area. The secondary building was built in 1970 from burnt brick, with a foundation, here we find the garage with space for storage, a summer kitchen and the bathroom with bathtub and window.
The property benefits from double street frontage. The front yard is provided with car access and has a street frontage of 16 ml.
Utilities: water, sewage, heating with terracotta stoves, electricity, internet, connected gas.
The building is located near public transport stations, the Oradea Ring.
The sale price for this house with 776 square meters of land, located in the Iosia district of Oradea, is 120,000 euros.
For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at:
Nr. Tel.: 0770573693 – Raluca Legman
e-mail: [email protected]
Or the contact section of our website: www.dartimob.ro
Also, our offers can be viewed on facebook by visiting D’Art Imob
Număr Băi: 1
Posibilitate parcare: Da
Nr. locuri parcare: 1
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