D`Art Imob va ofera spre vanzare o casa lux cu 4 camere, situata in cartierul Episcopia din Oradea.
Casa este constructie noua finalizata in anul 2023. Aceasta este pe nivel, din caramida, cu fundatie de beton, amplasata pe un teren cu suprafata de 385 mp.
Masoara o suprafata utila de 110 mp si se compune din hol de acces, sufragerie generoasa cu bucatarie si loc de luat masa open space, 3 dormitoare, 2 bai. Unul din dormitoare dispune de baie proprie si dressing.
In curte se afla o terasa de 16 mp, dotata cu pergola rectactabila actionata electric.
Locuinta este calduroasa, primitoare inca de la intrarea in curte, amenajata cu bun gust si finisaje premium. Este dotata cu ferestre termopan 4 anotimpuri, usi de interior din mdf, parchet laminat in camere, gresie din placi mari in living, bucatarie si bai.
Mobilierul este ales cu bun gust, asezat astfel incat sa fie practic, confortabil si sa lase fiecare incapere aerisita. Atat mobilierul cat si electrocasnicele (plita, cuptor electric, hota, cuptor cu microunde, combina frigorifica, masina de spalat vase, masina de spalat rufe, masina de uscat rufe si TV-urile) sunt incluse in pretul de vanzare al proprietatii.
Exteriorul casei este izolat cu polistiren, gardul si fatada casei sunt placate cu marmura. Acoperisul este izolat si el, invelit cu tigla.
Curtea casei este prevazuta cu acces auto si alei placate cu piatra, imprejmuita cu gard din placi de beton. Aceasta este amenajata cu diferite soiuri de copaci ornamentali si piatra decorativa oferind o adevarata oaza de relaxare.
Inca de la intrarea pe proprietate ne intampina plantele si arbustii ornamentali, gazonul si diverse flori ingrijite cu atentie, prezente atat in curtea din fata, cat si in cea din spatele casei.
Incalzirea este realizata cu centrala proprie pe gaz prin pardoseala.
Utilitati: apa de la foraj propriu, fosa septica, gaz, internet.
Drumul pana la casa este pietruit, cel asfaltat fiind la aproximativ 1 km distanta.
Pretul de vanzare pentru aceasta casa lux cu 4 camere in cartierul Episcopia din Oradea este de 210000 euro.
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0767 145 857 – Ramona Tica
e-mail: [email protected]
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
D`Art Imob offers for sale a premium house with 4 rooms, located in the Episcopia Bihor district of Oradea.
The house is a new construction completed in 2023. It is on one level, made of brick, with a concrete foundation, located on a plot of land with an area of 385 square meters.
It measures a usable area of 110 square meters and consists of an entrance hall, a generous living room with an open space kitchen and dining area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. One of the bedrooms has its own bathroom and dressing room.
In the yard there is a 16 square meter terrace, equipped with an electrically operated retractable pergola.
The home is warm, welcoming from the moment you enter the courtyard, furnished with good taste and premium finishes. It is equipped with double-glazed 4-season windows, mdf interior doors, laminate flooring in the rooms, large tiles in the living room, kitchen and bathrooms.
The furniture is chosen with good taste, placed so that it is practical, comfortable and leaves every room airy. Both the furniture and the appliances (cooker, electric oven, hood, microwave oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer and TVs) are included in the sale price of the property.
The exterior of the house is insulated with polystyrene, the fence and the facade of the house are covered with marble. The roof is also insulated, covered with tiles.
The yard of the house is provided with car access and stone-paved alleys, surrounded by a fence made of concrete slabs. It is decorated with different varieties of ornamental trees and decorative stone, offering a true oasis of relaxation.
From the moment we enter the property, we are greeted by the ornamental plants and shrubs, the lawn and various carefully tended flowers, present both in the front and back yards of the house.
The heating is done with its own gas central heating system through the floor.
Utilities: water from own well, septic tank, gas, internet.
The road to the house is paved, the paved road is approximately 1 km away.
The sale price for this premium house with 4 rooms in Episcopia Bihor is 210,000 euros.
For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at:
Nr. Tel .: 0767145857 – Ramona Tica
e-mail: [email protected]
Or at the contact section of our site: www.dartimob.ro
You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page.
Număr Băi: 2
Posibilitate parcare: Nu
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