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Casa noua cu 4 camere in Santion

Bors, Bihor Acum 8 luni 125.000 EUR


Număr camere


Suprafață utilă (m²)


An finalizare construcție
Suprafață teren (m²)
Stare proprietate
Clasă energetică

D`Art Imob va ofera spre vanzare o casa noua compusa din parter si mansarda, amplasata intr-o zona linistita de case din Santion, la doar 8 km de Oradea.

Casa este constructie noua, din caramida cu fundatie de beton si dispune de 472 mp teren aferent.

Imobilul masoara o suprafata utila de 126 mp si se compune la parter din living, bucatarie inchisa cu acces pe terasa, baie cu dus, spalatorie, camera tehnica.

Mansarda se compune din hol, 3 dormitoare, balcon, terasa, baie cu cada. Unul din dormitoare este cu acces la balcon, iar celelalte 2 au acces comun la terasa spatioasa.

Acoperisul casei este izolat, invelit cu tigla ceramica.

La exterior proprietatea este izolata cu polistiren de 10 cm si tencuita, necesitand doar aplicarea culorii.

Interiorul casei este complet finisat, pereti vopsiti in alb, pardoseli placate cu parchet laminat in camere, bucatarie si pe hol, bai dotate cu gresie, faianta si obiecte sanitare. De asemenea, bucataria este mobilata si partial utilata.

Ferestrele sunt cu geam termopan, usile de interior din MDF.

Incalzirea este prevazuta cu centrala proprie pe gaz, deja instalata in casa.

Utilitati: electricitate, canalizare, apa de la retea, internet, gaz la limita proprietatii (este necesara racordarea).

Curtea este imprejmuita cu gard din plasa de sarma, partial betonata si pietruita. Dispune de acces auto in curte.

In apropiere se gasesc statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun.

Pretul de vanzare pentru aceasta casa noua din Santion este de 125000 euro.

Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:

Nr. Tel.: 0725095984 – Agentia imobiliara D’Art Imob

e-mail: [email protected]

Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru:

De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob


D’Art Imob offers for sale a new house composed of ground floor and attic, located in a quiet area of houses in Santion, only 8 km from Oradea.
The house is a new construction, made of brick with a concrete foundation and has 472 square meters of related land.

The building measures a usable area of 126 square meters and consists on the ground floor of the living room, closed kitchen with access to the terrace, bathroom with shower, laundry room, technical room.

The attic consists of a hall, 3 bedrooms, balcony, terrace, bathroom with bathtub. One of the bedrooms has access to the balcony, and the other 2 have common access to the spacious terrace.

The roof of the house is insulated, covered with ceramic tiles.

On the outside, the property is insulated with 10 cm polystyrene and plastered.

The interior of the house is completely finished, the walls are painted white, the floors are covered with laminated parquet in the rooms, the kitchen and in the hallway, the bathrooms are equipped with tiles and sanitary ware. Also, the kitchen is furnished and partially equipped.

The windows are double-glazed, the interior doors are made of MDF.

The heating is provided with its own gas boiler, already installed in the house.

Utilities: electricity, sewerage, mains water, internet, gas at the boundary of the property (connection is required).

The yard is surrounded by a wire mesh fence, partially concreted and paved. It has car access in the yard.

There are public transport stations nearby.

The sale price for this new house in Santion is 125,000 euros.

For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at:

Nr. Tel.: 0725095984 – Agentia imobiliara D’Art Imob

e-mail: [email protected]

Or the contact section of our website:

Also, our offers can be viewed on facebook by visiting D’Art Imob

Număr Băi: 2
Posibilitate parcare: Nu

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