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Wisdom Academy continut + The Path to Source & Sacred Geometry

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Manuale - Cursuri

Conținut wisdom academy: Manifestation Mastery, Unfolding Godman, ocultism, cărți în format electronic. Conținutul se primește pe mail.

Gain access to a plethora of empowering courses, including Manifestation Mastery, Unfolding Godman, the Book Of Wisdom PDF, and the Human Health Guide PDF. Immerse yourself in the profound realm of symbolic knowledge, where the secrets of the universe are waiting to be unlocked.

Occult Lectures

Humans are God made flesh (we are an image of the stars)
What is Freemasonry?
Breaking down the all seeing eye (eye of providence)
Breaking down the masonic cosmology & the Bible
Breaking down the masonic M symbol
Different planes of consciousness (you create deamons)
The functioning of the two hemisphears of the brain
Ocult breakdown of the 911 skull and bones ritual
The torus field
Cosmology, symbolism & expopsing the heliocentric model
Simulation theory and the mind
Exposing the NWO, satanic rituals & pyramid scheme slave system
Selling soul, satan and the music industry
Occult symbolism in the music industry
Everything you need to know about the Mind
What are the chakaras?
Raising the christ (christ oil)
Strawman, brith certificates and slavery

2. Book of Wisdom

Book of Wisdom - English
Book of Wisdom - German
Book of Wisdom - French
Book of Wisdom - Italian

3. Human Health Guide

Human Health Guide PDF

4. Manifestation Mastery

Universal law
Planes of consciousness
The conscious & subconscious mind
How to reprogram the subconscious mind
The human energy field
How to maintain a strong electromagnetic field
Inner and outer intentions
Frequency, law of attraction and vibration
Additional information about manifestation
Common mistakes while manifesting
Practice 1 - affirmations
Practice 2 - visualization mediatation
Practice 3 - casting spells
Practice 4 - sigil magic
How to prey effectively

5. Unfolding Godman

Mental, Astral, Etheric & Physical Plane
How To Raise Your Frequency
Meditation Techniques
The Heart & Brain Connection
Chakaras & How To Balance Them
Raising The Chrism
About The Astral Plane
How To Astral Travel
How To Be Conscious In Other Realities (Dreams)
Easy Health Tips
Optimal Health Information

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